Thank you for volunteering in our school! 
Volunteering is a great way to become involved with your child's school. There are unlimited volunteer opportunities available to suit you and your family. You can help with projects from home, plan events, make decorations or organize materials -- we have something for everyone! You decide the amount of time spent volunteering. There are volunteer roles that take as little as 30 minutes per year to more complex roles that require several hours a month. Remember just a little of your time can make a big difference! 

SHES families we need your HELP!

If you haven't done so already, please fill out the "Help Wanted form" below and send it back with your kids, or just email us at and we can add you to the list, remember just because you circle something does not mean you are locked into anything, it just means that when the time comes we will send information about volunteering for that event. If you can't, that's no problem, maybe you have 30 minutes to spare or maybe you have all day, we are just happy for the support! This year a General Volunteer box has been put on the flyer which means you will get an email whenever something comes up. We truly appreciate all our SHES families and all your support for our SHES PTA! 
>> Download: Help Wanted Form 
>> Download: Volunteer Application Form 
>> Download: PTA Membership Form 
....if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at